Mental Health

“You can do anything you set your mind to”

When I was a little girl, growing up I was lucky enough to have parents who told me that I could do anything I set my mind to.

At 5, this was a fairy (I was in love with Tinkerbell from Peter Pan.) At 7, this was a ballet dancer. These small, probably unrealistic dreams (I’m not magic and I’m way too clumsy to be good at ballet) were not met, but at that age it doesn’t matter. It’s good to dream! 

Teenage years hit and the eye rolls begin. When my parents tell me their mantra, I’d just shrug it off and say “you have to say that, you’re my parents.” I didn’t see how lucky I was to be supported. At 14, I set my mind to be a veterinarian. I was a clever girl and well on track to get A’s. If other circumstances hadn’t hit at aged 16/17/18 then who knows…. I might have done it! 

This (as I saw it then) massive failure academically showed I couldn’t do anything I set my mind to. I felt stupid, never wanted to try because all my effort in the past got me nowhere. This negative thinking infected all parts of me. “I’m not good enough” was my core belief. This backed up by negative situations (which people usually focus on over positive) and constant rheumatism formed a foothold for my depression to get the better of me. Only when I decided enough was enough and that I wanted more for my life, I could start to fix this. Asking and accepting help from people isn’t weakness. Even though my parents aren’t always believing and supporting, I have lots of people around me to love.  I’d never had met these people, nor the man I love if I’d have followed my initially intended path. Make yourself FOCUS ON POSITIVITY. Fixing yourself isn’t easy, but now when I want to lay in bed all day and cry I just find a new job to do. I Can do anything I set my mind to. I’ve taught myself to knit, embroidery, sew, how to replace a laptop screen, how to cook and I’m currently learning how to blog. I’m learning Spanish and exercising, getting a pet and trying to encourage myself to socialise. I’m coming to the end of my long road of recovery. If these this are still scary to you, you’re not alone… trust me! Baby steps will get you up the mountain just as well as any large stride.

You can do anything you set you mind to. You’re stronger than you think. 🌼